Documenting How To’s
- Use a Pen (preferably black)
- Write clearly (recording, use of video, note taker)
- Contemporaneous
- Put an identifier on all papers, documents and physical evidence, avoid gaps in
- Record/use actual words, language of witness (no matter how graphic).
- Get parties to initial any corrections and sign (or initial) and date each page of
- If a party declines to review, sign or date, make a note for the
- Your own notes pertaining to the interview or investigation: be brief, clear, neutral/objective and professional – avoid subjectivity and inappropriate
- Maintain consistency: Dating, signing, ensuring accuracy, noting time, location, parties attending, length of interview, parties advised of process, your authority to interview, right to representation, file identifiers, page numbering (e.g., page 1 of 6, etc.).